GAIL`S WALK Gail Baxter volunteer, is organising a sponsored walk in aid of Beyond the Battlefield Sunday 21st August 2016 at Castlewellan Lake/Forest Park. Gail is doing this in memory of Glen Mawhinney & Dean Caudley, two Trophy’s will be given out on the day. Dean was a member of the Mercian Regiment and had…

Community Life at ASDA

Community Life at ASDA Newtownards supports Beyond the Battlefield thanks to our community champion Tara Richardson. Don`t forget when your shopping at Asda to ask for green tokens to insert in the box for the cause in the community you wish to support, Beyond the Battlefield of course! This runs for June/July & August 2016.…

Congratulations Wilfie Brown

Congratulations Wilfie Brown who raised a fantastic £1600 for Beyond the Battlefield Veterans Charity at the Con Club East Belfast Saturday 27th February . Wilfie worked tremendously hard organising and communicating this event many many weeks before hand, he must have been exhausted. Everyone there had an amazing evening, the entertainment was fabulous, well done…